by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF Videos
Over half the world now pays to have a mobile phone. But any research into a link between mobiles phones and brain cancer looks like ‘unfinished business’ especially with children. Some countries like France and even Finland, the home of Nokia, are...
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF World News
Check out the US Committee on OVersight and Government Reform documentation on EMF related cell phone science reviews in 2008. Review the Official Hearing Document Here
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF World News
Is radiation from cell phones, power lines, cell towers, computer monitors, and normal everyday electronics really a cause of cancer, leukemia, birth defects, heart problems, and many more illnesses? The answer is yes! Are doctors talking about EMF (electromagnetic...
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF World News
On Sep 9th , the Associated Press(AP) released an article stating that it had uncovered information pertaining to the Verichip Corp. test results of its implantable microchips that they tested on animals and saw several reports showing it “induced” tumors in the lab...
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF Videos
2 percent of future malignancies may be due to ‘super X-rays,’ study says Millions of Americans, especially children, are needlessly getting dangerous radiation from “super X-rays” that raise the risk of cancer and are increasingly used to diagnose medical...
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF World News
Children found at risk of “Electronic Smog” Posted on Tuesday, 8 May, 2007 | 7 comments Columnist: Stephen King There is scientific knowledge that cell phones can cause cancer and many other biological problems, but Wi-Fi networks? The United Kingdom has released to...
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF World News
Scare stories about the dangers of wireless networks lack credibility, argues Bill Thompson Wireless working is becoming more popular Students at Canada’s Lakehead University have to be careful how they connect to the internet because wi-fi is banned on large...
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF Videos
Trailer to the first international documentary film concerning the Health Effects of Cell Phones and Cell Phone networks. Produced by The Council on Wireless Technology Impacts. (1999)
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF World News
Published on: 22nd April 2007 A new report is claiming to have found a link between the rise in autism in the USA, and the rise of the use of wireless technologies, specifically mobile phones. Tamara Mariea, founder of Internal Balance, is releasing findings from more...
by EMFScience | Feb 15, 2013 | EMF World News
Brain expert warns of huge rise in tumours and calls on industry to take immediate steps to reduce radiation Mobile phones could kill far more people than smoking or asbestos, a study by an award-winning cancer expert has concluded. He says people should avoid using...